Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stepping into Who You Really Are

I live in a shell,
the place that I dwell
for seasons,
for reasons I don't
fully comprehend.

Always peeking out,
never fully living.
Afraid to stand my ground
it's easier to hide
in the safeness of the
place I reside.

But now the time has come
when I fully step into life
not to be overcome with worry or strife.
Shining the light as it bursts from my soul
to be what was written in the stars for me.
It is time to break out of the shell.

For such a long time all I can remember doing is constricting myself.  I would try to reason out of doing things, taking chances, and fully participating in what we call life.  Now I consciously have made the decision to step into who I really am and not be that scared little soul anymore.  I'm a sensitive person and often when people's energy is forceful and too overwhelming, I retreat to safety.  This however is hindering me from being the person I am.  Well, I am claiming my power back, but not what everyone probably thinks of as powerful.  This power stems from love, not from fear or hatred or controlling others.  The power I grasp is one that acknowledges my own self worth wrapped in a blanket full of love.  While it may slip under the radar of those that operate on that fearful and controlling power, this is more subtle, and infinitely more lasting.

You see my friends, life is not about controlling others to do what you want them to do.  Life is about sharing what you have to contribute to the world and the impact your actions leave on it long after you are gone from this Earth.  Sometimes people who have such grand potential fall short only to be held back by themselves.  Inside all of us, there is a calling to live the life you know you are supposed to when you came to this Earth.  Step into it now and live your life.  Be proud of the person you are and the choices you make.  Now is the time to leave the shell behind and behold the splendors awaiting you!

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